
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Back to school...

School is in full swing here at the Plew household!  My sweet Jesse just started his third week of Kindergarten!  Can you believe it?!?  He really loves it.  Mommy, however, has been a bit of a mess.  I'm a little sad about him growing up so fast.  It seems like yesterday when he arrived at our home, declaring it was his, in his squeaky adorable 2 1/2 year-old little voice.  It feels like I haven't spent enough time with him to prepare him for real life, and here he is, jumping into it head-first.
Pumpkin pancakes before his first day of school.  He's a bit excited!
Micah doesn't see what all of the fuss is about...
All ready for school in his uniform
Mommy and her big Kindergartener!
Walking to school with Daddy and Micah
He chatted the whole way to school.
Walking down the long hall to his classroom 
Meeting his teacher - Ms. Gump.
Micah likes Ms. Gump too.
Here we go.... Day #1
My little shrimp, next to a 1st-grader
I'm also a bit scared for him.  His school is tough-as-nails, and he is such a free spirit.  Since I've been home with him for a few weeks (prior to school), I've noticed that his lack of listening (that I thought was him being tired at the end of the day) actually happens all day.  He doesn't listen at all.  And Back to School Night confirmed that we have a little problem.  You never want to hear that your child is struggling, but he is.  His sweet teacher said she'd keep an eye on him, and make sure he's adjusting.  They checked his hearing, which is fine, and now we just have to see if he'll adjust to the schedule and new environment on his own... and in the meantime, we're trusting God to give us the wisdom and patience to know how we can help our little guy do his very best.


  1. It is so hard to see your kids struggle! A lot of people told me to expect the first 6 weeks to be rough. It's a lot for these kids to get adjusted to, but I'll be praying that Jesse gets the listening thing under control. Fun that we get to go through this Kindergarten thing together! ;) Miss you, Amy.

  2. I've been praying for you guys. Jesse is such a cool kid and so smart and creative, and he really does want to please. I'm sure he'll get the hang of it. Hang in there. You're doing great!
